FOSTER 8 NHP Portable Steam Engine
No.1384 ~ Built c1885
8 NHP Single Cylinder
The 2nd earliest known Foster.
A very rare and unusual early portable with heavy oak fore-carriage, for sale in unrestored condition.
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LANZ 1 NHP Portable
A very rare, if not unique small size Lanz domestic portable steam engine. Designed for small scale agricultural and domestic use and built by Heinrich Lanz AG of Mannheim, Germany c1900. For sale in very original and near complete, but unrestored condition.

RANSOMES, SIMS & JEFFERIES 2 NHP Portable Steam Engine
No.14382 ~ Built c1902
2 NHP Single Cylinder
A very rare, unusually small portable, for sale in nice original condition. With early sprung type wheels, etc.

CLAYTON & SHUTTLEWORTH 2½ NHP Portable Steam Engine
2½ NHP Single Cylinder
~ Built c1910 ~
This unrestored engine is amongst the smallest commercially made portables with a dry weight of 2 tonnes.
With feed water heater.
In unrestored condition.

ITALO-SVIZZERA 3 NHP Portable Steam Engine
No.725, Built c1900
Made in Bologna, Italy
3 NHP single cylinder
A handsome small Italian portable and a rare survivor, for sale in need of restoration.

MARSHALL Portable Steam Boiler
An ex-Admiralty (Royal Navy) dockyard boiler, built by Marshall & Sons Ltd, Gainsborough c1940.
Used for engine running and other testing purposes at a Royal Navy dockyard, this high output steam boiler is of riveted construction and sits on Marshall’s sprung type wheels. For sale with most fittings including safety valve and gauge glass frames, etc.
Believed in reasonable, usable condition.

GARRETT 6 NHP Portable Steam Engine
6 NHP Single Cylinder
~ Built c1880 ~
An attractive early Garrett portable in largely complete but unrestored condition.