RN Dockyard Portable Steam Boiler
A large and powerful portable steam boiler built for the Admiralty (Royal Navy) as a dockyard boiler, to be used for dockside testing, etc.
Coal-fired and substantial welded construction, including heavy wheels. Large collapsable chimney. Complete with a Worthington-Simpson duplex feed pump, bracket mounted on one side and various boiler fittings including safety valves and water level gauges.
Fully restored and for sale in very good condition, with new boiler certificates.

Locomotive Style Boiler
A high output steam launch boiler for marine or stationary use.
Approx 5 Ft x 3 Ft 4″ High.
For sale in excellent, operational condition with new boiler certificates.

MARSHALL Portable Steam Boiler
An ex-Admiralty (Royal Navy) dockyard boiler, built by Marshall & Sons Ltd, Gainsborough c1940.
Used for engine running and other testing purposes at a Royal Navy dockyard, this high output steam boiler is of riveted construction and sits on Marshall’s sprung type wheels. For sale with most fittings including safety valve and gauge glass frames, etc.
Believed in reasonable, usable condition.

MARSHALL Portable Steam Boiler
An ex-Admiralty (Royal Navy) dockyard boiler, built by Marshall & Sons Ltd, Gainsborough c1940.
Used for engine running and other testing purposes at a Royal Navy dockyard, this high output steam boiler is of riveted construction and sits on Marshall’s sprung type wheels. For sale with most fittings including safety valve and gauge glass frames, etc.
Believed in reasonable, usable condition.

Steam Launch Type Marine Boiler, Small
Launch Type Horizontal Boiler
200 p.s.i. ~ Built 1950’s.
Price On Application

‘Scotch’ Steam Launch Boiler
A small dryback ‘Scotch’ type single furnace steam boat boiler.
Suitable for a marine engine of approx 100 H.P.
For sale as found.