Unkown Maker Duplex Boiler Feed Pump, 2″ x 1¼” x 3″
£ P.O.A.
Twin Cylinders 2″ x 1¼” x 3″ Stroke.
Approx 20″ Long.
In reasonable original condition.
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By Worthington-Simpson, Newark-on-Tent, UK.
Pump No.1012533
Twin Cylinders 4 1/2″ x 2 3/4″ x 4″ Stroke.
Approx 40″ Long.
In good restored condition.

WORTHINGTON SIMPSON Duplex Boiler Feed Pump, 3½” x 2½” x 4″
By Worthington-Simpson, Newark-on-Tent, UK.
Pump No.WS1015487.
Twin Cylinders 3½” x 2½” x 4″ Stroke.
Approx 27″ Long.
In reasonable original condition.
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Pump No.BR50300.
Twin Cylinders 3 1/2″ x 2 1/4″ x 3 1/2″ Stroke.
Approx 27″ Long.
Reconditioned and in reasonable condition.
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HAYWARD TYLER Duplex Boiler Feed Pump 3″ x 2″ x 3″
By Hayward Tyler & Co, Engineers, London
Pump No.34991.
Twin Cylinders 3″ x 2″ x 3″ Stroke.
Approx 23″ Long.
In reasonable original condition.
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By Mather & Platt Ltd, Manchester
8″ suction. Approx 12 ” x 10 ” x 13″ Stroke.
Approx 7 Ft 6″ Long x 3 Ft Wide.
A large and very well made general purpose pump.
Unrestored but in reasonable working condition.